Медвежьи хроники

У Петьки в этом году в детском саду было новое развлечение. Воспитатели добыли где-то медведЯ из Build-a-bear и по очереди выдавали его детям на дом. К медведю прилагалась коробка (дом) и дневник. В дневник перед возвратом зверя полагалось написать, что медведь делал в гостях.  Потом этот рассказик детям читали.

К концу года воспитатели решили, что дневник они размножат всем на память. Сегодня всех ловили у входа и просили проверить, правильно ли перепечатали ваш рассказ. Я прочитала свою копию, попросила ручку и минуты три исправляла текст, хоть он был и небольшой. Некоторые параграфы исчезли, кое-где лишние множественные числа появились, кое-где вообще в словах ошибки. Школьникам они, что ли, давали? И ведь на почерк не спишешь – я, знаючи, какой он у меня, текст распечатала и наиклеила на страницу 🙂

А вот, собственно, сам рассказ:



Peter brought a guest home on Tuesday. Hairy one. With four legs… or is it two legs and two arms? Anyway, there was a guest, his name was George and he was a bear.


What can you do with a bear? Hug him. Dress him up. Play with him. Pretend he’s your superhero friend… wait, but all superheroes I know have cloaks! George doesn’t have a cloak, that’s so unfair to him! Let’s make him a cloak!

Mom looked around and spied with her not so little eye something blue. It was a piece of fabric left from the time she sew Peter’s Halloween costume – musketeers cloak. Hmmm… so, if we use this fabric, George can be a musketeer too – when he wants to.

And that’s how George got his new blue cloak.


Where can you take a bear? To your Taekwondo lesson, so he can listen how your teacher talks about being nice to your little brothers and sisters and helping Mom & Dad at home. To your favourite playground, so he can see how much fun you can have going on a slide, trying to build sandcastle and just running around. To visit your two cousins – so he can see their house and meet their dolls. To your Mom’s friends – so he can see somebody else with a tail, four legs, loud voice and a whole bunch of white sparkling teeth. Peter hugged George tightly and said (also in a loud voice): “No, Benni! This is George, and you cannot bite him!”

And that’s how George met our friends’ dog Benni.


What can you say to a bear? “George, look! These are my cars! George, this my baby sister Yana… no, Yana, don’t chew on George’s ear! George, let’s go look out of the window. We have a trail coming right by our house, and there is a lot of people (and dogs!) going by every day. George, it’s time to go to bed, did you brush your teeth?”

“George, I’m so glad you stayed with me this week. Will you come back some day?”

And that’s how George learned to say “Good bye” in Russian.